Elon Musk’s "Boring" Promo Products Are On Fire

  • Feb 19, 2018

By Hayley Salyer


By now, we should know when Elon Musk makes a joke, there’s a good chance that joke is going to turn into a reality.

Musk joked on Twitter about trading congested Los Angeles highways for an underground tunnel.

We’ve all been there, right? We just don’t have the gumption (or the funds) to go through with it.


Seeing Musk’s rush-hour rant progress into a fully operational company is just one of the many things that put Elon Musk into a category of one.

“To solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic, roads must go 3D, which means either flying cars or tunnels. Unlike flying cars, tunnels are weatherproof, out of sight and won’t fall on your head. A large network of tunnels many levels deep would fix congestion in any city, no matter how large it grew (just keep adding levels). The key to making this work is increasing tunneling speed and dropping costs by a factor of 10 or more – this is the goal of The Boring Company.”

I don’t think I’d want a rogue hubcap to fall on my head either. The Boring Company is indeed making slow progress, slower than a snail’s pace actually, but the company has found some incredible branding success through promotional products.

First offering branded hats with the company’s clever moniker in October, 50,000 hats sold out in less than a month. The $20 black baseball caps were, well, to avoid a boring pun, fairly unremarkable as far as creative promotional products go, so therefore on brand? 

Taking it a step further and playing the part of a techie Willy Wonka, Musk invited 10 buyers of the promotional caps to tour the factory and drive the boring machine.

“Invention is 93% perspiration, 6% inspiration, 3% perspiration, and 2% butterscotch ripple.” – Willy Wonka

Musk has said that The Boring Company only takes up 2% of his time. So if that’s the case, The Boring Company = butterscotch ripple for Musk.

The revenue generated from the promotional caps will help fund the company’s projects. One can’t help but ask, were buyers wanting proximity to Musk’s greatness/madness (however you’d like to look at it) or to contribute to alleviating traffic woes in the future?

Musk Gets Heat For Branded Flamethrowers

It would appear Musk wasn’t joking…again. Elon Musk is not exactly the most cautious man in the world. He has a fiery history of failed multi-million dollar rockets and attaches cars to said rockets. Should anyone be surprised he’d put a logo on a flamethrower?

